Roger Waters in solidarity with the Gaza Freedom March

Roger Waters is an outspoken critic of Israel's apartheid wall

UPDATE: A video message by Waters added below.

27 December 2009 — My name is Roger Waters. I am an English musician living in the USA. I am writing to express my great admiration for and solidarity with the 1360 men and women from 42 different countries around the World who are gathering in Egypt, preparing for The Gaza Freedom March. We all watched, aghast, the vicious attack made a year ago on the people of Gaza by Israeli armed forces and the ongoing illegal siege. The suffering wrought on the population of Gaza by both the invasion and the siege is unimaginable to us outside the walls. The aim of The Freedom March is to focus world attention on the plight of the Palestinian people in Gaza in the hope that the scales will fall from the eyes of all, ordinary, decent people round the world, that they may see the enormity of the crimes that have been committed, and demand that their governments bring all possible pressure to bear on Israel to lift the siege.

I use the word ‘crimes’ advisedly, as both the siege and the invasion have been declared unlawful by United Nations bodies and leading human rights organizations. If we do not all observe international law, if some governments think themselves above it, it is but a few short, dark, steps to barbarism and anarchy.

The Gaza Freedom March is a beacon to all those of us who believe that under the skin, we are all brothers and sisters, who must stand shoulder to shoulder, if we are to make a future where all have recourse to law and universal human rights. Where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is not just the preserve of the few. All the oil in The Middle East is not worth one child’s life. So to those of you who march, I tip my hat. It is a brave and noble thing you do, and when you reach your goal please tell our Palestinian brothers and sisters, that out here, beyond the Walls of their Prison, stand hundreds of thousands of us in solidarity with them. Today, hundreds of thousands, tomorrow, millions, soon, hundreds of millions. We Shall Overcome.

Roger Waters

Courtesy of Democracy Now‘s Miguel Nogueira

5 thoughts on “Roger Waters in solidarity with the Gaza Freedom March”

    1. Roger, I have heard great things about your steadfastness in representing the Palestinian case. I was in Jenin recently talking to Fakrhi who is re opening the cinema there after thirty years, we hope you can come to the opening. And one day I hope to meet you in Gaza when the walls come down….Keep speaking out, your words make a great deal of difference to those who are suffering.
      Well done.
      Lauren Booth

  1. Thank you for sharing your valueable thoughts, i wish the whole world comes out of the ocean of doubt and turns the tide around. I will do everything with in my reach to pass on this message to everyone i know.

    Always been proud of being your fan!


  2. Right on. It is sheer madness that the victims of Hitler’s Holocaust have gone on to mirror their former torturers and murderers.

    Just as in Vietnam, where the people simply said ‘You will never win this war unless you are prepared to squat in a rice field for the next 1000 years’ – The Palestinians have nowhere to go, so they will struggle horribly, and die atrocious, meaningless, unnecessary deaths, and this is how they are fated to survive right now.

    Everyone knows this is wrong. How is it that our Governments can support genocide around the world, and yet we say ‘What can I do’, even as we mouth hypocritical epithets of our specious commitment to human rights and the sanctity of human life?

    The fact is, it won’t stop, because we won’t stop it. We refuse with inaction.

    You don’t have to debate anyone – but if you think this is wrong, make your opinion known, and you might be surprised how many people feel the same concern.

    I wasn’t brought up to believe my country ever COULD commit a war crime. Yet we are walking the thin moral line in the Middle East, and if our Canadian values still hold any water, we’re fighting on the wrong side.

  3. I admire you ever since i was 15
    I still love you at the age of 53
    now you have given me the reason to convince other people

    God Bless you
    My heart and soul is always with you
    Good Luck :)

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