The BDS Movement Wishes to Thank the Following Zionists

There are many people, from many different countries busting their ass in order to move the BDS (Boycott Divestment Sanctions) movement forward. These people are human rights activists, concerned citizens, people of conscious.

Sometimes, however, the propellers of the BDS movement are not what you’d expect. They are hard-core fascist, self-righteous Zionists, so unable to see beyond their own ideology that they actually hurt themselves. I’d like to take a moment to thank them all.

The BDS Movement Wishes to Thank the Israeli Mainstream Media

In the past 3 months, the Israeli media went from irresponsibly ignoring the BDS movement, to at least 6 articles a day, among the online media, focusing on the fear of Israel’s deteriorating image, in the world. Though articles about actual news (like the Dexia Bank disinvestment) are missing from the mainstream media, we can witness the fear and loathing in the Zionist state, all over the main three media outlets:

Left warns of global boycott over Ariel U. [Yediot Acharonot/Ynet]

World isn’t buying Israel’s explanations anymore [Ha’aretz]

[Israel’s] image is at an all time low. International pressure is mounting, and the calls for ostracism and boycotts are multiplying. All this was fueled by the Goldstone report, which was in itself fueled by Israeli sources. The funding for these sources is provided by, amongst others, the NIF. The question is whether the New Israeli Fund is indeed for Israel… Israel is bleeding, IDF officers are closed up in the Kiriya, leaders are canceling visitations abroad, Israeli produce is taken of the shelves and this is just the beginning. [Ma’ariv/nrg, limited by my translation]

I’d like to note that the under-reporting of actual BDS news and overstuffing of biased and unsubstantiated opinion pieces carry a hysterical reaction, which, right now, is leveled at the human rights organizations. Heavy defamation is within these op-eds, which basically link “Israel’s demise” to the “traitorous behavior” of these “multi-tentacled octopus” organizations (from the above Ma’ariv column):

It is necessary and obligatory to add to all this that the New Israeli Fund funds over 300 organizations and non-profits in Israel. The majority of which do blessed social public work. They have nothing to do with all that is said here. And this may be the root of the story. Are these activities of the fund suppose to cloak the radical activity which subvert the the foundations of the Zionist state?

The BDS Movement Wishes to Thank the Israeli Government
This may seem a bit doomsdayish of me, but the media’s hysteria coupled with the government’s hysteria and a dash of grassroot public hysteria (officially thanked later on) is good for BDS. As the government is feeling the international noose tighten, seriously misguided international actions are taken. From not adhering to the Goldstone fact finding mission’s recommendations of self inquiry, to the cynical defamation of Richard “The Messenger” Goldstone and the report itself:

Israeli Cabinet Minister: Goldstone Report on Gaza Is Anti-Semitic
The Israeli news agency Ynet is reporting the Israeli government is preparing an all-out attack on Richard Goldstone’s United Nations report that accused Israel of committing war crimes during its assault on Gaza. Israeli Cabinet Minister Yuli Edelstein said, “The Goldstone Report…and similar reports, are simply a type of anti-Semitism.” Ynet reports Israel will launch the attack on the Goldstone Report tomorrow, the sixty-fifth anniversary of the 1945 liberation of Auschwitz. Last year the United Nations called on Israel to conduct an independent credible investigation into the war crimes allegations, but Israel has refused to establish a commission of inquiry.

Add to the special anti-Goldstone project that’s being paid for with my tax money the half-assed attempts at counter boycotts:

Israeli politicians have called for a boycott of British goods amid claims that new Government advice on labelling supermarket produce from the West Bank recalled the Nazi persecution of the Jews.

I’d seriously like to thank these blind lemmings for making my work so much easier. But without a doubt one of the most effective and frightening steps, the Israeli government has actually taken to further BDS, is the campaign to get rid of international presence in the occupied territories:

The Interior Ministry has stopped granting work permits to foreign nationals working in most international nongovernmental organizations operating in the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem… In an apparent overhaul of regulations that have been in place since 1967, the ministry is now granting the NGO employees tourist visas only, which bar them from working.

Organizations affected by the apparent policy change include Oxfam, Save the Children, Doctors Without Borders, Terre des Hommes, Handicap International and the Religious Society of Friends (a Quaker organization).

The BDS Movement Wishes to Thank the Zionist Grassroots Movement
The government can’t take full claim to the bright idea of boycotting states that consistently support Israel’s colonialist endeavors in the UN. Outraged Zionist individuals (oxymoron?!) have also gone out of their way (but not out of their couches, mind you) to counter boycott. Their language, of course, eerily similar to that of our fearless leaders:

Under the title, “We must beat them through their pockets and boycott the Turkish hotel industry,” an email distributed over the internet in recent days calls on Israelis to boycott Turkey as a tourist destination due to Ankara’s response to the events in Gaza and in southern Israel, as well as the mass demonstrations held in the country against the Israeli operation in the Strip.
The email includes a short caption: “No more Turkey!!!! No more traveling to Turkey!!! !!! !!! !! The Turks should go search for their friends in Gaza – we’re not coming.” [1]

Israelis signed an Internet petition calling for a consumer boycott of Swedish-owned companies in Israel, including IKEA, Volvo, and the H&M clothing chain, to protest last week’s article in a Swedish newspaper accusing IDF (Israel Defense Forces) soldiers of trafficking in Palestinian organs.
“After the anti-Semitic blood publication and the blood libel against IDF soldiers and the refusal of Sweden’s foreign minister and prime minister to condemn this report, there is no way we can continue buying products made in Sweden. Real action is needed,” the statement read. [2]

The BDS Movement Wishes to Thank the Israeli Army in Collaboration with the Oz Unite
Last, but never least, is the so called Israel Defense Forces, and their latest pet project, the immigration unite, known as Oz. As has already been reported here, at PULSE, In the past month Oz has been integrated with Israeli army unites, in the West Bank, in order to crack down on international activists. First they took the media from Gaza, then the doctors from East Jerusalem, now they want to take the witnesses from the West Bank.

From pure harassment (I bring all three parts so you can get a feel for the realities of the situation):

To abduction:

On Monday 11 January 2010 I was in the bed in my apartment, working on a report I was supposed to finish that night when, at about 3am, I heard some loud noises but didn’t pay attention for another ten minutes or so, as I was concentrating on the work I had to do. Only started noticing what was happening when I heard people shouting in a language I did not understand, knocking on my door. I didn’t know what was happening and went so see if my housemates were awake. It took another ten minutes before they came out of their rooms. We talked for a bit about what could it be and what to do, but before we managed to decide, the soldiers broke in through the door and were in the living room of my apartment. There was about twenty of them, wearing helmets and fully armed. My housemates were terrified, especially from those soldiers who were holding their guns in a way like if they were ready to shoot, I was just sitting waiting for what will happen, I was not able to feel anything at that point – fear, nothing.

There’s nothing the Oz unite- sanctioned by the Israeli army- can’t do.

As Israel chooses to isolate itself in its self-proclaimed moral democracy, the world slowly opens up to the understanding of what’s really going on in Palestine. We here that fight, may find conditions deteriorating rapidly, but choose to be optimistic. The Zionist entity is scared and is “protecting” itself from those it deems “enemies”, slowly revealing its true monstrosity to the world. BDS now!

4 thoughts on “The BDS Movement Wishes to Thank the Following Zionists”

  1. Unrelated to this post, but i’ve collected some donations to send to Palestine, and i was wondering if you could refer me to a reliable NGO/organization to which I could donate to.


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