The Only Democracy in the Middle East: 25.6.10

Across the West Bank, Friday was a day of protest against Israel’s blood diamonds, which are harvested while infringing on human rights in African countries and then polished in apartheid Israel and then exported. The diamond trade accounts for 30% of Israel’s total manufacturing exports:

After the ceremony in honor of Palestinian prisoners, the people of Nebi Salah continued in their weekly march toward the town center. As usual, the army intercepted violently against a resilient civil troop of women and girls.

Solidarity march against house demolitions, Silwan, East jerusalem, 25/06/2010In Silwan over 500 Israelis and Palestinians marched the streets to protest the demolition order of 22 houses that are to be replaced by a biblical park. This was an unprecedented presence of protest (in Silwan it isn’t an obvious thing to work with Israelis, and this barrier is now slowly being broken) that was not only under-reported by the Israeli media, but channel 2 dared to lie, reporting the right words, but showing background footage of an unrelated incident of Palestinian youth throwing stones at police cars (6:05).

In Bil’in blood diamonds with an emphasis on the boycott was the theme. The army, yet again, dispersed violently, sparking fires in the olive groves, and trying to make arrests, but this time all demonstrators got away.

More nonviolent demonstrations took place during the week and are taking place as we speak in the villages Beit Jalla, Ma’asara, Beit Ummar, al-Wallaje, Biddu and many others.

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