Fascinating footage of Palestine from 1896

Fascinating footage of Muslims, Christians and Jews coexisting under Ottoman rule. (Via my friend Ninon Aprea)

Author: Idrees Ahmad

I am a Lecturer in Digital Journalism at the University of Stirling and a former research fellow at the University of Denver’s Center for Middle East Studies. I am the author of The Road to Iraq: The Making of a Neoconservative War (Edinburgh University Press, 2014). I write for The Observer, The Nation, The Daily Beast, Los Angeles Review of Books, The Atlantic, The New Republic, Al Jazeera, Dissent, The National, VICE News, Huffington Post, In These Times, Le Monde Diplomatique, Die Tageszeitung (TAZ), Adbusters, Guernica, London Review of Books (Blog), The New Arab, Bella Caledonia, Asia Times, IPS News, Medium, Political Insight, The Drouth, Canadian Dimension, Tanqeed, Variant, etc. I have appeared as an on-air analyst on Al Jazeera, the BBC, TRT World, RAI TV, Radio Open Source with Christopher Lydon, Alternative Radio with David Barsamian and several Pacifica Radio channels.

4 thoughts on “Fascinating footage of Palestine from 1896”

  1. Doubt whether the footage was shot in 1896. It’s too good for that era.The first U.S. “travel film” was shown by Burton Holmes in 1896. The reels lasted only 25 seconds. I would peg your footage after the turn of the century

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